Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Tugas Konsep Teknologi "Penemu Mesin Diesel"

Rudolf Diesel (lahir di Paris, Perancis, 18 Maret 1858 – meninggal 30 September 1913 pada umur 55 tahun) adalah seorang penemu Jerman, terkenal akan penemuannya, mesin diesel, Dia lahir di Paris dan meninggal secara misterius di kapal fery dalam perjalanannya ke Inggris.

Diesel mengembangkan ide sebuah mesin pemicu kompresi pada dekade terakhir abad ke-19 dan menerima hak paten untuk alat tersebut pada 23 Februari 1893. Dia membangun prototipe yang berfungsi pada awal 1897 ketika bekerja di pabrik MAN di Augsburg.Mesin Diesel ini pun dinamakan untuk menghormati jasanya. Aslinya, ia bernama "mesin minyak".

Rudolf Diesel lahir dengan nama lengkap Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel lahir pada tanggal 18 Maret 1858 di Paris, Perancis, dari keluarga Jerman pengrajin kulit. Sejak kecil, dia dekenal sebagai seorang yang jenius. Pada sekitar usia 20 tahun, pada 1870, Diesel menerima penghargaan medali perunggu dari Société Pour L'Instruction Elémentaire, atas beberapa karya ilmiahnya yang cemerlang.Tetapi, pada tahun yang sama, keluarga Diesel terpaksa harus meninggalkan Paris karena kebijakan baru pemerintah Perancis saat itu tentang para imigran asing. Ayah Diesel gagal memperoleh izin menetap di Perancis. Mereka berangkat dan pindah ke London, Inggris. Hanya sebentar di sana, Rudolf kemudian berangkat sendiri ke Augsburg, Jerman, untuk melanjutkan sekolah dan tinggal bersama paman dan bibinya disana yang juga mengajar sebagai gurunya di Gewerbsschule. Tak lama kemudian Perang Jerman-Perancis meletus.
Pada tahun 1872, Rudolf mulai dikenal dan diakui sebagai calon mekanik handal. Ia menyelesaikan sekolahnya di Gewerbsschule sebagai salah seorang lulusan terbaik, kemudian melanjutkan ke Universitas Teknik (Institut Politeknik) Muenchen. Perang Jerman-Perancis pun berakhir dan untuk pertama kali dia dapat berkumpul dan bertemu kembali dengan keluarganya di Paris.

Sayang, Rudolf tak dapat mengikuti ujian akhir kesarjanaannya, pada tahun 1879 karena menderita serangan penyakit demam berdarah. Namun selama kuliah di Muenchen, dia mengukir banyak prestasi cemerlang, antara lain, pada tahun 1878, bersama profesornya, berhasil merancang suatu cetak biru mesin uap dengan efisiensi tertinggi yang pernah ada sampai saat itu. Dia juga mulai menulis beberapa makalah dan diterbitkan untuk umum. Segera setelah sembuh, Rudolf malah memilih mulai bekerja sebagai mekanik di perusahaan Sulzer di Winterthour, mengembangkan mesin pembuat es.

Akhirnya pada tahun 1880, Rudolf berhasil menyelesaikan ujian akhir kesarjanaannya sebagai insinyur mesin, dan menjadi lulusan terbaik yang pernah dihasilkan oleh Institut Politeknik Muenchen sepanjang sejarahnya hingga kini. Setelah lulus, dia memutuskan pindah menetap di Paris dan mendirikan cabang perusahaan mesin pembuat es disana. Dia malah rela bekerja tanpa dibayar. Tetapi, setahun kemudian, 1881, perusahaan mengangkatnya menjadi direktur pabrik tersebut di Paris, tahun inilah dia bertemu pertama kali dengan Heinrich Buz, Direktur Permesinan Augsburger, dan mereka bersepakat menguji coba dan mengembangkan suatu sistem permesinan pembuas es bening. Tahun itu juga Rudolf menerima sertifikat hak paten pertamanya atas temuannya memproduksi klareis dalam botol.

Tahun 1883, Rudolf mulai membangun pabrik es besar di Paris. Setahun kemudian, rencana pengembangan mesin amoniak mulai dikerjakan. Tahun 1886, pabriknya melebarkan sayapnya ke Belgia. Pada tahun 1887, gagasan tentang mesin penyerap amoniak untuk keperluan usaha skala menengah mulai terwujud. Pada saat inilah Rudolf membuktikan teori gelombang elektromagnetik pada putaran tinggi per detik. Pada tahun 1889, Rudolf mengikuti pameran teknik industri di Paris, memamerkan mesin pembuat es dan pendinginnya. Rudolf kemudian memberikan kuliah umum di suatu kongres internasional mengenai mesin-mesin terapan. Dia memperoleh sambutan meriah dan perusahaan Lindes segera menawarinya kontrak kerja berkedudukan di Berlin sejak tahun 1890.
Pada tahun 1892, Rudolf menerima hak patennya atas penemuan cara kerja mesin pembakaran dalam (internal combustion engine). Rudolf segera memulai proyek besarnya mengembangkan apa yang dekmudian hari dikenal sebagai mesin diesel. Dan pada 10 Agustus 1893, Rudolf pun berhasil mewujudkan impiannya yakni terciptanya mesin diesel pertama di dunia. Atas temuannya itu, ia mendapatkan hak paten bernomor 608845. Pada tahun yang sama terbit bukunya yang berjudul "Theory and Construction of A Rational Heat Engine for Substitution of the Steam Engines and that Today Admitted Combustion Engines", melalui penerbit Springer, Berlin. Saat itu pula, Rudolf menandatangani kontrak kerja dengan Augusburger, Krupp, dan Sulzer, sambil menerbitkan buku berikutnya, "Nachtraege for the Theory og the Diesel Engine".

Prototipe awal mesinnya dipamerkan di Pekan raya Chicago, Amerika Serikat dan mendapat sambutan yang cukup lumayan. Dia melanjutkan percobaannya. Pada tahun 1895, Komisi Hak Paten mensahkan bahwa mesin ciptaannya memang bekerja baik. Dia pindah ke Muenchen, tahun 1896. Sampai awal tahun berikutnya (1897), dia menyelesaikan rencana lanjut mesin temuannya dengan empat langkah (4 tak). Tetapi perusahaan Deutz AG mencoba menandinginya. Krupp mendukung Rudolf yang akhirnya melahirkan kesepakatan antara Deutz, Krupp dan Augsburger untuk membantu Rudolf melakukan rangkaian akhir percobaan lanjutan untuk menyempurnakan mesin temuannya.

Tahun itu adalah tahun yang sibuk bagi Rudolf. Dia melakukan perjalanan ke Skotlandia, lalu ke Paris untuk membuat satu pesawat terbang, menandatangani kontrak dengan Adolphus-shrubs, dan kemudian memperagakan contoh mesinnya di depan umum di Augsburg. Lalu memeberi ceramah umum di Kassel, meresmikan perkumpulan masyarakat mesin diesel di Paris, namun juga menghadapi gugatan atas hak patennya oleh Emil Captaine. Bahkan sempat mengalami kehilangan dalam uji coba laboratoriumnya. Tetapi, pabrik mesin diesel di Augsburg akhirnya dapat dibangun pada tahun 1898. Empat contoh mesin produksi awalnya segera dipamerkan di Pekar raya Muenchen dan dia berhasil menyelesaikan mesin diesel pertama dengan kompresor untuk perusahaan Deutz AG. Cobaan datang lagi. Ia sempat masu rumah sakit jiwa di Neuwittelsbach, Muenchen. Tetapi pabrik mesin diesel pertama di Amerika selesai dibangun tahun itu juga. Cobaan datang terus. Pada tahun berikutnya 1899 Pabrik pertama di Augsburg ditutup karena gagal mencapai target jumlah produksi. Tetapi, tahun itu pula mesin diesel pertama kali digunakan di lapangan pengeboran minyak di Gailizien. Dia makin sering jatuh sakit.

lalu pada abad ke 20, tepatnya pada tahun 1900, pabrik mesin diesel pertama di London diresmikan. Peragaan mesinnya di Pekan raya Paris memperoleh perhatian istimewa dan mendapatkan hadiah utama. Karena semakin sering sakit, dia pindah ke pemukiman yang lebih segar di Muenchen pada tahun 1901. Sambil banyak beristirahat, dia menulis dan menerbitkan buku baru yang lebih filosofis ketimbang teknis yang berjudul "Solidarismus: natürliche wirtschaftliche Erlösung der Menschen", pada tahun 1903, yang memperlihatkan secara jelas sikap dan pandangan dasarnya sebagai seorang insinyur jenius yang juga peduli pada masalah-masalah sosial dan lingkungan hidup. Dua tahun kemudian, 1905, mesin diesel mulai digunakan sebagai mesin kereta api. Dan puncak prestasinya pada tahun 1910 ketika ia tampil di Pekan raya Paris dengan rancang bangun mesin diesel yang digerakkan dengan bahan bakar minyak kacang dan minyak ganja. Dua tahun kemudian (1912) ketika berpidato menerima hak patennya atas mesin barunya tersebut, dinia mencatat pernyataannya yang peling bersejarah tentang masa depan mesin yang dijalankan dengan bahan bakar minyak nabati yang sekarang dikenal sebagai biodiesel yakni "Der Gebrauch von Pflanzenöl als Krafstoff mag heute unbedeuntend sein. Aber derartige Produkte können im Laufe der Zeit obenso wichtig werden wie Petroleum und diese Kohle-Teer-Produkte von heute." (Pemakaian minyak nabati sebagai bahan bakar untuk saat ini sepertinya tidak berarti, tetapi pada saatnya nati akan menjadi penting, sebagaimana minyak bumi dan produk tir-batubara saat sekarang). Mesin biodiesel itu disempurnakan lagi oleh Ludwig Elsbett.

Rudolf Diesel meninggal secara misterius dan mengenaskan di Selat Inggris, pada tahun 1913, terjatuh dan tenggelam secara misterius. Hingga kini tidak diketahui pasti sebab peristiwa kecelakaan tragis itu.

Prinsip Kerja Mesin Diesel
Motor diesel dikategorikan dalam motor bakar torak dan mesin pembakaran dalam (internal combustion engine) (simplenya biasanya disebut “mobor bakar” saja). Prosip kerja motor diesel adalah merubah energi kimia menjadi energi mekanis. Energi kimia di dapatkan melalui proses reakasi kimia (pembakaran) dari bahan bakar (solar) dan oksidiser (udara) di dalam silinder (ruang bakar).
Pada motor diesel ruang bakarnya bisa terdiri dari satu atau lebih tergantung pada penggunaannya dan dalam satu silinder dapat terdiri dari satu atau dua torak. Pada umumnya dalam satu silinder motor diesel hanya memiliki satu torak.

Tekanan gas hasil pembakaran bahan bakan dan udara akan mendorong torak yang dihubungkan dengan poros engkol menggunakan batang torak, sehingga torak dapat bergerak bolak-balik (reciprocating). Gerak bolak-balik torak akan diubah menjadi gerak rotasi oleh poros engkol (crank shaft). Dan sebaliknya gerak rotasi poros engkol juga diubah menjadi gerak bolak-balik torak pada langkah kompresi.

Berdasarkan cara menganalisa sistim kerjanya, motor diesel dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu motor diesel yang menggunakan sistim airless injection (solid injection) yang dianalisa dengan siklus dual dan motor diesel yang menggunakan sistim air injection yang dianalisa dengan siklus diesel (sedangkan motor bensin dianalisa dengan
siklus otto).

Perbedaan antara motor diesel dan motor bensin yang nyata adalah terletak pada proses pembakaran bahan bakar, pada motor bensin pembakaran bahan bakar terjadi karena adanya loncatan api listrik yang dihasilkan oleh dua elektroda busi (spark plug), sedangkan pada motor diesel pembakaran terjadi karena kenaikan temperatur campuran udara dan bahan bakar akibat kompresi torak hingga mencapai temperatur nyala. Karena prinsip penyalaan bahan bakarnya akibat tekanan maka motor diesel juga disebut compression ignition engine sedangkan motor bensin disebut spark ignition engine.

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Penemu Kapal Berlapis Baja

John Ericsson (July 31, 1803 – March 8, 1889) was an American Swedish-born inventor and mechanical engineer, as was his brother, Nils Ericson. He was born at Långbanshyttan in Värmland, Sweden, but primarily came to be active in the United States.

John's and Nils's father Olaf Ericsson who worked as the supervisor for a mine in Värmland had lost money in speculations and had to move his family from Värmland to Forsvik in 1810. There he worked as a 'director of blastings' during the excavation of the Swedish Göta Canal. The extraordinary skills of the two brothers were discovered by Baltzar von Platen, the architect of the Göta Canal. The two brothers were dubbed cadets of mechanics of the Swedish Royal Navy and engaged as trainees at the canal enterprise. At the age of fourteen, John was already working independently as a surveyor. His assistant had to carry a footstool for him to reach the instruments during surveying work.
At the age of seventeen he joined the Swedish army in Jämtland, serving in the Jämtland Field Ranger Regiment, as a Second Lieutenant, but was soon promoted to Lieutenant. He was sent to northern Sweden to do surveying, and in his spare time he constructed a heat engine which used the fumes from the fire instead of steam as a propellant. His skill and interest in mechanics made him resign from the army and move to England in 1826. However, his heat engine was not a success, as his prototype was designed to use birch wood as fuel, and would not work well with coal, which was the main fuel used in England.

Notwithstanding the disappointment, he invented several other mechanisms instead based on steam, improving the heating process by adding fans to increase oxygen supply to the fire bed. In 1829 the steam engine he built with John Braithwaite, "Novelty", joined the Rainhill Trials, a competition arranged by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Although it was the fastest in the competition, it suffered recurring boiler problems and the competition was won by the English engineer George and his son Robert Stephenson with Rocket.

By helping to quell the celebrated Astor House fire, Ericsson's steam fire engine proved an outstanding technical success, but met with resistance from London's established 'Fire Laddies' and municipal authorities. An engine Ericsson constructed for Sir John Franklin's use failed under the Antarctic conditions for which, out of Franklin's desire to conceal his destination, it had not been designed. At this stage of Ercisson's career the most successful and enduring of his inventions was the steam condenser, which allowed a steamer to produce fresh water for its boilers while at sea. His 'deep sea lead,' a pressure-activated fathometer was another minor, but enduring success.

The commercial failure and development costs of some of the machines devised and built by Ericsson during this period put him into debtors' prison for an interval and at this time he also married 19-year-old Amelia Byam, a marriage that was nothing but a huge disaster and ended in the couple's separation until Amelia's death.

Primarily remembered for designing the first iron-clad warship, Ericsson wasborn in the Värmland region of Sweden and displayed an early forscience talent and mathematics. As an adolescent he worked as a draftsman on the Swedish Göta Canal project and later served as a land surveyor in the Swedish Army. As an Adolescent he worked as a Draftsman on the Swedish Göta Canal project, and later served as a land surveyor in the Swedish Army.

Ericsson went to London, England, in 1826 to pursue a career in engineering.During the next thirteen years, he developed an interest in propulsion systems, making several improvements to steam engine design, experimenting with theuse of compressed air for power, and working on a device he termed the caloric engine. Ericsson WENT TO LONDON, England, in 1826 to pursue a career in the next engineering.During Thirteen years, he developed an interest in Propulsion systems, making China Trust Improvements to steam engine design, experimenting with theuse of compressed water for power, and working on a device he termed the caloric engine. In 1829, Ericsson and John Braithwaite designed and built a locomotive which they entered in the Rainhill Trials, a competition to find the best new locomotive design. In 1829, Ericsson and John Braithwaite Designed and built a Locomotive Which they want entered in the Rainhill Trials, a competition to find the best new design Locomotive. The competition was won George Stephenson's famous locomotive, the Rocket. The competition was won famous George Stephenson's Locomotive, the Rocket. Ericsson later turned his attentions to naval engineering. Ericsson later turned his attentions to naval engineering. His innovations in ship design include placing the engines below the waterline and replacing the commonly used paddle wheel with a screw propeller. His Innovations in ship design include placing the engines below the waterline and Used commonly replacing the paddle wheel with a screw propeller. These design modifications considerably reduced the vulnerability of ship propulsion systems to damage from hostile fire. These design modifications considerably reduced the vulnerability of the ship Propulsion systems to damage from Hostile fire. In 1837 a ship incorporating these design elements, the Francis B. In 1837 a ship incorporating These design elements, the Francis B. Ogden , was successfully launched. Ogden, was successfully launched.

In 1839 Robert Field Stockton, a captain in the US Navy, brought Ericsson to the United States to build the engines and propulsion system for the USS Princeton , the first propeller-driven, steam-powered, iron-hulled warship. In 1839 Robert Field Stockton, a captain in the U.S. Navy, Ericsson brought to the the United States to build the engines and Propulsion System for the USS Princeton, the first propeller-driven, steam-powered, iron-hulled warship. During an 1844 demonstration attended by President John Tyler, one of the Princeton 's guns exploded, killing the US secretary of the Navy and several others. During the 1844 demonstration attended by President John Tyler, one of the Princeton 's guns exploded, killing the U.S. secretary of the Navy and Trust others. No blame, however, was attached to any of the designers. No blame, however, was attached to any of the designers. Ericsson became a naturalized US citizen in 1848. Ericsson's U.S. Became a naturalized citizen in 1848.

During the Civil War, Ericsson presented the United States government with adesign for a new type of heavily armored warship. During the Civil War, Ericsson Presented with the United States government adesign for a new type of heavily armored warship. Built in 1861 and launchedin January of the following year, Ericsson's vessel, dubbed the Monitor, was the first completely iron-clad warship. Built in 1861 and launchedin Following January of the year, Ericsson's vessel, dubbed the Monitor, was the first completely iron-clad warship. Driven by a steam-powered screw propeller, the Monitor had a low box-like shape, 172-feet long, andwas armored with five inches of iron plate on the sides and one inch on the deck. Driven by a steam-powered screw propeller, the Monitor had a low box-like shape, 172-feet long, andwas armored with five inches of iron plate on the sides and one inch on the deck. The Monitor 's two eleven-inch guns were enclosed in a deck-mounted turret covered with eight inches of iron plate and rotated by steam power.Soon after the Monitor was launched, Confederate forces salvaged a ship called the Merrimack (also known as the Virginia ) and coveredit with iron railroad track. The Monitor 's two eleven-inch guns Were enclosed in a deck-mounted turret covered with eight inches of iron plate rotated by steam power.Soon and after the Monitor was launched, a ship salvaged Confederate forces Called the Merrimack (Also Known as the Virginia) and coveredit with iron railroad tracks.

On March 8, 1862 the Merrimack sailed into the harbor at the mouth ofthe James River in Virginia and used its ten guns to sink two wooden-hulled Union warships. On March 8, 1862 the Merrimack sailed Into the Harbor at the mouth ofthe James River in Virginia and Used guns its about to sink two wooden-hulled Union warships. While the Merrimack attacked a third ship on the following day, the Monitor arrived on the scene. While the Merrimack attacked a third ship on the Following Day, the Monitor arrived on the scene. The two iron-clad vessels exchanged numerous rounds in a heated battle. The two iron-clad vessels exchanged numerous rounds in a heated battle. When the Merrimack scoreda direct hit on the pilothouse of the Monitor, the captain of the Union vessel was blinded by flying iron fragments and let his ship wander into shallow water. When the Merrimack scoreda direct hit on the pilothouse of the Monitor, the captain of the Union vessel was blinded by a flying iron fragments and let his ship into shallow water Wander. The crew of the Merrimack concluded that they had won and returned to their home base leaking water and low on ammunition. The crew of the Merrimack concluded That Had won, and they want on their home base Returned to leaking water and low on ammunition. The Merrimack 's success in sinking wooden ships served as a propaganda victory for the Confederacy, but most commentators either interpret the battle betweenthe two iron-clad ships as a victory for the Monitor or find the results inconclusive. The Merrimack 's success in sinking wooden ships served as a propaganda victory for the Confederacy, but most either Commentators interpret the battle betweenthe two iron-clad ships as a victory for the Monitor or find the inconclusive results. Never particularly seaworthy, the Monitor sank during a storm in December 1862 with a loss of sixteen lives. Never particularly seaworthy, the Monitor sank During a storm in December 1862 with a loss of Sixteen Lives.

Ericsson went on to design and build other monitor-type vessels for the USgovernment. Ericsson WENT on to design and build other monitor-type vessels for the USgovernment. He also experimented with torpedoes and investigated uses for solar energy. He experimented with torpedoes Also and investigated the uses for solar energy. After his death in 1889, Ericsson's body was returned to his native land at the request of the Swedish government. After his death in 1889, Ericsson's body was Returned to his native land at the request of the Swedish government. Monitors of Civil-War era design were used by various navies until the early part of the twentieth century, last serving as submarine tenders during World War I before being scrapped. Monitors of the Civil-War era design by Various navies Were Used Until the early part of the Twentieth Century, last serving as submarine Tenders During World War I before being scrapped. Monitor-class vessels of modern design have been used by the United States,the Soviet Union, Britain, and Romania as river gunboats and landing craft. Monitor-class vessels of modern design have been Used by the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, and Romania as river gunboats and landing craft.

Few seem to know that Ericsson was a true mechanical genius who, as a very young boy, constructed models of machines he had never seen and that had only been described to him. Few seem to Know That Ericsson was a true mechanical genius of the WHO, as a very young boy, he constructed models of machines and never seen That Had Had only been described to him ". In one instance, despite never having seen a windmill,he correctly sketched the mechanism that connected the windmill crank with the power lever. In one instance, despite never having seen a Windmill, he sketched the mechanism That Correctly connected with the Windmill crank the power lever. Once Ericsson's prodigious talents were brought to the attention of the president of the Gotha ship canal project, the twelve year old boywas made a member of the canal surveying team and was soon directing the workof some 600 soldier/laborers. Once Were Ericsson's prodigious talents brought to the attention of the president of the Gotha ship canal project, the Twelve year old boywas made a member of the canal Surveying team and was soon directing the workof Some 600 soldiers / laborers. So respected was the twelve year old that thearmy assigned one soldier to do nothing but carry a stool for the young engineer to stand upon while he used the tall surveying instruments. So respected was the Twelve year old thearmy That one soldier assigned to do nothing but carry a stool for the young engineer to stand upon while he Used the tall Surveying instruments.

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